
Featured Journey

Periodically, we will feature a new TNR experience with our team of volunteers.
Trixie is here to get us started!

“We were just at the start of our first year of TNR, working under the guidance of a TNR group out of Orleans county, when we learned about Trixie. She was found by a farmer, at the edge of a corn field. She was 5-6 weeks old, and she was all by herself. She was skinny and both of her eyes were in critical condition - one of her globes was likely days away from bursting, if treatment hadn't been started.”

”She was my first foster kitten, and not surprisingly, I fell in love with her in no time at all. I began treating her eyes as soon as I got her home, and spent a lot of one-on-one time with her while she was isolating in a spare room so her body could heal. I had no intention to adopt her, but after having her for several weeks, when it came time to make a plan for her to transition to a shelter for adoption, I couldn't let her go. I already had 3 cats, but well, you know how that goes.....there's always room for one more.”

”PS: I have since successfully fostered many kittens, and although it is always difficult to let them go, I know I can't adopt them all myself.” — Annie


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